Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Holidays Are Among Us

The holiday season is here and getting more & more hectic. My goal this year is to keep the chaos to a minimum. Andrew & Trey have their Christmas program at school on Thur. the 18th and Aliska will be playing in the jr. high band concert on Sun. the 14th. Ronnie has basketball games and I am busy selling gift certificates and helping clients look & feel their best for the holiday events they will encounter. That is just to start! All 3 of the children will be in the Christmas Eve program at church and have been attending practices for that.

Today while at work, I looked out & saw some snow flurries! Later this evening when I walked out to the car to go home, there was a thin layer of snow on the car. Who would have thought. What a beautiful sight!

This CHRISTmas season we all need to take the time to stop and enjoy the wonders of the world and all the Lord has placed in our lives. Let's not allow the hustle & bustle to be what our season is about. The Schmidt family is going to try to keep things at a minimum this year too. We want to wish our family & friends a very BLESSED CHRISTmas season!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Such fun in dressing up

We have had many events happen since I last posted. The Kids had a great time dressing up for Halloween. Andrew was Batman, Trey was Darth Vader, Aliska was Pebbles and I was a Go-Go dancer. Aliska and I worked together and she sewed her costume mostly by herself. Gram-E has taught her well! That evening we went to the baptist church fall festival. Trey participated in the pie eating contest and Andrew didn't want to get off the horse statue. Even Granny had fun Trick-Or-Treating!

My Legacy