Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer Excitement - Part 2

Once we finished up with the garage sale, Aliska and I drove to Matagorda for the annual "Fish Camp" weekend.  No not the Aggie Fish Camp, but the trip we take with Ronnie's family (RD & Vera, Rhonda & Bill, Emily and Caleb) each summer for a few days of fishing and beach fun.  This year we caught a few fish, but not a plethera.  Kids had fun at the beach as usual.  Aliska seems to be at that borderline age, wants to be like the adults yet still wants to play with the younger kids.  STAY A KID AS LONG AS YOU CAN!!  Trust me.  Vera always seems to find the neatest new gadget for us to try each year and this year was a blooming onion maker.  After about the 3rd one, I think we had the technique down.  The national bird of Matagorda was ever present as usual...the mosquito!!!  We had a great time as usual. 

Summer Excitement - Part 1

Since my last post the end of May, life has been flying by us. I thought summers were for relaxing and taking the occassional family vacation. WRONG!! It seems it's for running your kids to every VBS within the county, going to summer cross country in the wee morning hour, going to basketball camps and camping with extended family just to name a bit. One of these days I will be wishing these days back.

Ronnie being the wonderful provider he is (yes, I'm kissing up), planted another spring garden this year.  He decided to expand it making room for more okra, purple hulls, corn, cucumbers and more.  Our peach tree decided to produce more this year so the kids and I decided to make peach jam.  It is heavenly, especially on apple strudel bread toasted in the toaster oven.  YUMMMMY!!  The kids and Ronnie have done most of the canning due to my work schedule.  The Lord has blessed us abundantly!  I had to clean out the pantry and some of the kitchen cabinets to rearrange things to make room for our canned goods. 
    The first weekend after school was out, Dawn, Judy, Stephanie, Meemaw and I had a garage sale to raise money for the account we started for dad to help cover some expenses (parking, gas, etc.) associated with his battle with cancer. This was the most successful garage sale I have been a part of...thank you to all who supported contributing items and buying others. We are looking to have another around October in East Bernard when it cools off a bit.

My Legacy