Saturday, October 30, 2010

Schmidt-Liere Family Reunion

The annual Schmidt-Liere reunion was again a great success, thanks to my in-laws.  My father-in-law smokes some wonderful brisket and my mother-in-law cooks beans as well as decorates the hall, etc.  This year we decided to design a reunion t-shirt.  The Schmidt's & Liere's have been around the Cypress area for quite a while now and have MANY lifelong friends that also are invited.  I have learned in the 14 years I've been a part of the Schmidt family, that friend is just another term for family as far as they are concerned.  That being said, the reunion also includes many friends and family in-laws. 

Every year the Country Knights, featuring Uncle Craig Schmidt, provide entertainment.  Dancing & music is deeply rooted in our family from young to old.  This past summer we lost 3 very special ladies, Aunt's Tudie, Monie & Ruby.  They had all worked hard in collecting family information to pass on our history so future generations to know their roots.  Each one was a fine example of how a woman should be, kind, loving, humble, Christian women.  I could only hope that one day my daughter and I are thought so highly as these women were.  They were great examples of what we should strive to be as women.  I believe they are wearing out the dance floor in heaven at this very moment.  Ronnie's cousin & I are going to try to keep adding to the family info that his aunts collected, continuing on their legacy.  What a wonderful family I married into.  Thank you Lord! 

My Legacy